
#YoTambien!™ — The Santa Fe Film Office backs a zero-tolerance policy regarding sexual harassment, intimidation, illegal, unfair or deceptive business practices including “kick-backs,” payment skimming, forced contracting and other undue influence peddling and racketeering within the film and television industry – or any industry for that matter. Legitimate professionals don’t engage in these practices. We support those individuals, businesses and other entities that resist such activities and, when warranted, report them to and pursue action through the appropriate entities including oversight and regulatory agencies, law enforcement, the courts, etc.

Accordingly, the SFFO supports the #YoTambien!™ initiative to encourage reporting, resisting and eradicating these activities where they exist.  While the SFFO has no formal authority to prosecute or legally sanction these activities, we strongly encourage such through the appropriate channels. Below are some connections to advocacy, oversight and law enforcement agencies should you, your business or other interested parties wish to file a report or pursue legal action. Some of them allow anonymous reporting if that is your preferred course of action; all respect your confidentiality. You are most definitely not alone. And you have some very powerful friends.

New Mexico Attorney General
www.nmag.gov | Toll Free 1-844-255-9210 | Phone: (505) 490-4060

metoomvmt.org/ | info@metoomvmt.org


BetterBrave provides a thorough guide to identifying and dealing with sexual harassment, including information on reporting it to HR and seeking legal counsel.

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is the government agency responsible for enforcing federal laws that make it illegal to sexually harass anyone in the workplace.
(800) 669-4000 | eeoc.gov/index.cfm

Equal Rights Advocates
Equal Rights Advocates is a nonprofit legal organization dedicated to protecting and expanding economic and educational access and opportunities for women. They provide a toll-free multilingual Advice and Counseling Line where you can receive advice and information on your legal rights. All calls are confidential.
800) 839-4372 | equalrights.org

Lean In
Women in over 150 countries have joined the Lean In community. Read their newly created advice, information, and support for harassment survivors and for anyone who wants to help.

National Domestic Violence Hotline
The National Domestic Violence Hotline provides life saving tools and immediate support to enable victims to find safety and live lives free of abuse.
1-800-799-SAFE (7233) | thehotline.org

RAINN provides information and a 24/7 confidential hotline, staffed by people who are trained to help in matters of sexual harassment or assault.
(800) 656.HOPE (4673) | rainn.org

Entertainment Industry Help Line
(855) 942-5463

Futures Without Violence
Workplaces Respond, led by Futures Without Violence, is a national resource center that provides training and education, tools and resources, and technical assistance to employers, survivors, co-workers, and advocates to prevent and respond to domestic & sexual violence, sexual harassment, trafficking, and stalking impacting workers and the workplace.

50/50 By 2020
50/50 by 2020 is a movement of women, people of color and LGBTQ members of the entertainment industry, advocating for leadership and hiring practices that reflect the reality of our audiences to inspire authentic content creation and safer workplaces by the end of this decade.